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3D Animal Wall Sculptures


<span style="font-weight: 400;">Students will create an animal relief sculpture that can be mounted on their wall at home. We will look at inspiration from both art and life- from the Mount Rushmore National Memorial Sculpture to Louise Nevelson’s wall relief sculptures. </span>
<li style="font-weight: 400;" aria-level="1"><span style="font-weight: 400;">Learn about the 4 types of relief sculpture: low, medium, high and sunken</span></li>
<li style="font-weight: 400;" aria-level="1"><span style="font-weight: 400;">Create a well supported, flat wall structure for your sculpture</span></li>
<li style="font-weight: 400;" aria-level="1"><span style="font-weight: 400;">Use a variety of media including paint, glue, feathers, and much more to create your animal </span></li>